Bergen County LGBTQ+ Alliance
Please make a donation today to help us keep helping our community.
Defend Love. Empower Minds. Save Lives.
BCLA's mission is to advocate for equality and resources for the LGBTQ+ community in Bergen County, NJ,
to celebrate our diversity, and to provide safe spaces to allow us to be our true selves.
Est. June 7, 2021
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Our home page has a list of our Ongoing Groups and Service; scroll down for News & Information
What We Do
What We Do
BCLA works to advocate for equality and to connect the Bergen County LGBTQ+ community with the resources it needs. BCLA hosts and coordinates many essential programs dedicated to the people who need them most in our community. Find out more details about what BCLA does in the community at our What We Do page.
Ongoing Groups & Services
A monthly in-person social gathering with dancing and food, for trans and non-binary individuals and LGBTQ+ allies too.
Our Women's group is currently reorganizing as we figure out the best way to provide this support in the community. See our friend and affiliated womyn-focused groups here.
A Monthly Queer Seniors event offering both In-Person and Zoom Options.
A monthly in-person social gathering with dancing and food, for trans and non-binary individuals and LGBTQ+ allies too.
Rainbow Haven is a weekly virtual meeting that provides a safe space for conversation, advice, and connection for anyone in the LGBTQ+ community.
Creating and uplifting LGBTQ+ related clubs (like GSAs) across Bergen County by providing peer support, information, and resources to make them functional.
Rainbow Family Circle offers a welcoming space to explore questions, concerns, and hopes for all families with loved ones who identify as LGBTQ+. Participants will receive support from other families as well as from mental health professionals.
Equality Mental Health is offering a variety of support and therapy groups dedicated to members of the LGBGQ+ community. Click on the links to learn more.
News and Information
BCLA's LGBTQ+ Youth Homelessness support highlighted by the National Center for Homeless Education
Read here about the partnership between BCLA and the Bergen County Special Services School District in this brief published by the National Center for Homeless Education.
Watch highlights from this Barney Frank video Don't Live in Fear
Barney Frank was the first openly gay congressperson in United States history and a long-time political advocate for LGBTQ+ rights. This video has excerpts from a talk that addresses the need to take on challenges of stigma and representation in the LGBTQ+ community.