Sexual Assault & Harrassment

YWCA Northern New Jersey healingSPACE—Bergen County’s only Sexual Violence Resource Center—is a safe and welcoming place for survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones.

What to do if you have been sexually assaulted:

  • Get to a safe place.

  • Contact someone who can help you and call the healingSPACE hotline at 201-487-2227.

  • Do not shower, drink or eat, douche, or change your clothes. These activities destroy important evidence in the event that you decide to prosecute the assailant.

  • Get medical attention. You may have hidden injuries and may want to explore options for preventing pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections.

  • Write down everything that you remember happening, with as much detail as possible. This can help with your own healing process and in any legal action you might decide to take.

For more information, visit the healingSPACE website.